The Encourager

The Encourager

“Beware of False Prophets - by Ethan Tidwell”

Beware of false Prophets

By Ethan Tidwell

One of the great dangers in the church are false prophets. Jesus calls them “ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing.” (Matt 7:15). There will always be those who try to turn those who believe in the truth away from it (Matt 24:24). One of the biggest affects they can have on someone is their subtlety. 2 Peter 2 talks about their deception vv.1-3.

False teachers will have an influence even on the most faithful Christians. Those who heed the lies and deceit from false teachers will leave the faith, for some hear what they want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Those who have itching ears will inevitably enter false ideologies. Those who are weak are at more risk. Jesus condemns those who cause others to stumble, false teachers can fit into what He said in (Matt. 18: 6-7).

If we are ever doubtful of someone being sound or true to God’s word when they speak, we need to make sure we know the scriptures. We must be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11. Search the scriptures daily like they did. We are to be active in our awareness, making sure if someone is speaking from the word of God. 1 John 4:1 says, “Test the spirits.” Be ready to expose, rebuke those who try to turn those away from the faith and into false doctrines.





This past week I had the privilege of holding a Gospel Meeting in Murfreesboro for the Westvue congregation.

The church there is probably one of the older congregations in Murfreesboro. They are down in number from where they were in years past. They average around 20-25 members now.

The meeting was well attended by their members and Monday night they had several visitors, with more visitors on Tuesday night. Several from the Eastside congregation visited and supported those brethren in their efforts.

The topics I preached on for the week were;

Sunday Am – Answered Prayers

Sunday Pm – Fighting the Giants in Our Lives

Monday – Traveling Through Enemy Territory

Tuesday – God is Love

Wednesday – Fellowship

All of the lessons were well received.

I also want to thank the elders for allowing me the opportunity to share the gospel with other congregation and other areas. I also appreciate the men that stood in for me (teaching class, and preaching) while I was gone.

Let’s not forget that our meeting is October 13-16 with Brother Leland Ping.

There is a meal list for he and his wife on the bulletin board.

Meditate on this:

Proverbs 29:25

The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.