

The Encourager

“Some Dangerous Attitudes Toward the Church "Attendance" - Donald Townsley”


By Donald Townsley


We live in a day when brethren are filled with all kinds of wrong attitudes toward the church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One is horrified and appalled at what he reads and hears coming from the mouths of some brethren about the church. One is made to believe that only a small remnant of God's people will remain in America in the next generation if these attitudes are not corrected.

Some have the attitude that "attending all the services of the church is not important". The Hebrew writer said attendance is important: " Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Heb. 10: 23 - 25).

Christians have responsibilities to perform with other children of God. To carry out their duty to God and other Christians they must assemble with other Christians often. Every first day of the week we are to assemble together to:

· Partake of the Lord's Supper

· Give of our means

· Sing

· Pray

· Be taught the Word of God

(Acts 2:4220:7I Cor. 16: 1 - 2Eph. 5:19Col. 3:16).

We are to come together at other times to worship, be edified and preach the gospel to the lost (Matt. 28:20Acts 5:42Acts 2:46I Tim. 3:15). Here are some reasons why attendance is important:

· To obey God (Heb. 10;25Matt. 7: 21).

· God seeks my worship (John 4: 23 - 24).

· Jesus' presence is in the assembly (Matt. 18:20).

· I am made stronger (Acts 20:32).

· To set a good example (I Tim. 4:12Matt. 5:16).

· To prove my love and gratitude to God (John 14:15).

· To put the Kingdom first (Matt. 6:33).