Meet Our Elders

Meet Our Elders

Albert Reeves

Danny Law

Charles Ferrell

Benny Pulley 


Elders at the Eastside church of Christ

In the Eastside church of Christ, an elder's primary duty is to act as a spiritual shepherd, overseeing the congregation by teaching the Word of God, providing pastoral care, guiding church policy, resolving disputes, and setting a godly example for the flock, all while being accountable to the congregation and upholding biblical standards of conduct; essentially serving as a leader who actively cares for the spiritual well-being of the church members. 

Key responsibilities of a Church of Christ elder include:

  • Teaching and Preaching:

Delivering sermons based on scripture, ensuring sound doctrine is taught within the church. 

  • Spiritual Oversight:

Providing pastoral care to individuals and families within the congregation, addressing concerns and offering guidance. 

  • Leadership in Church Governance:

Participating in decision-making regarding church policies and practices, often alongside other elders. 

  • Discipling and Mentoring:

Guiding new believers in their faith journey and holding members accountable to biblical standards. 

  • Exhortation and Reproof:

Addressing issues of sin within the church, gently correcting behavior when necessary. 

  • Serving as an Example:

Demonstrating Christ-like character and living a life that reflects biblical teachings. 

  • Praying for the Church:

Leading the congregation in prayer and interceding for their needs. 

Important points to remember about Church of Christ eldership:

  • Plurality of Elders:

Most Church of Christ congregations have a plurality of elders, meaning a group of men share leadership responsibilities. 

  • Biblical Qualifications:

Elders are expected to meet specific qualifications outlined in the New Testament, including strong character, knowledge of scripture, and a commitment to serving others. 

  • Accountability to the Congregation:

Elders are accountable to the church body and should be open to feedback from members.