The Encourager

The Encourager

“Calling on the Name of the Lord - by Jeff Curtis”

Calling on the Name of the Lord

By Jeff Curtis


The prophet Joel proclaimed that “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be delivered” (Joel 2:32). Paul quoted these words when he said, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). Paul’s message assures us that, even though the world is full of uncertainties, we can be certain of this truth. If we “call on the name of the Lord,” we will be saved.

What does it mean for us to “call on the name of the Lord?” It’s a mistake to think that it means we can just merely believe in Jesus and “call on His name “by professing our faith, and then He will save us. Really, Jesus Himself said that just believing and crying out, “Lord, Lord,” was not a guarantee of salvation (Matt.7:21).

So, what does it mean? In Acts 2:21, Peter quoted from Joel2:32. He went on to preach about Jesus. When people believed what he had said about Christ, they were struck with the reality of their sin and asked, “What shall we do?” (Acts 2:37). Peter told them to “repent and …be baptized” in order to be forgiven of their sins (Acts 2:38). About three thousand people obeyed in repentance and baptism, and so were saved. In response to Peter’s application of the prophet Joel’s words, by obeying the Lord through repentance and being baptized, they were “calling” on His name – and the result was that they were saved.

That conclusion is confirmed in the account of Saul’s conversion. He saw Jesus in a vision and was told to go into the city, where he would be told what he must do to be saved (Acts 9:5-6). When the preacher Annanias came to him, he told Saul (Paul), “Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name” (Acts 22:16). When one is baptized, therefore, he is “calling on the name of the Lord.” At that time, he receives forgiveness through the washing away of his sins.

Any person who will “call on the name of the Lord” will be saved when he obeys the gospel. After believing in Christ and confessing his faith, the non-Christian must repent and be baptized. This is what makes him a Christian, a member of the saved body of Christ. Why would anyone who knows this truth delay?