The Encourager

The Encourager

“When Crisis Strikes - Jeff Curtis”

When Crisis Strikes

By Jeff Curtis


In the book of Daniel, we see different reactions people have to crises in their lives. We live in a world where things (and people) go wrong. Sometimes we live from crisis to crisis. What do these circumstances reveal? How do we respond?


Crises sometimes reveal evil in us. Nebuchadnezzar was entrusted with an empire. His order to kill the wise men was not logical, it was ill-timed and selfish. It would have been devastating for his kingdom. He acted wickedly.


Also, the king was unreasonable. He demanded from others the recalling of his dream. In his cruelty, he was unknowingly going to punish himself. Had his order been carried out, he would have killed Daniel, who was later to become his friend, ally and confidant – as well as the one who would reveal the dream.


Crises often reveal weakness in us. The dream and the interpretation are linked not only by the king but also by God, who revealed both the Daniel. The Chaldeans were without divine assistance. Their response in verse 11 was that there could be no revelation, no answer. They were saying, “If we cannot get an answer, then there is none.” To pronounce faith invalid just because we don’t know the answer to a certain question would be to make the same mistake the Chaldeans made.


Crises also reveal our faith. James 1:2-4 says that God allows our faith to be tested, or tried, in order to strengthen us. Daniel’s response to a serious crisis in his life was to turn to God in prayer. He even asked others to pray with him. Daniel, in turn, was used by God to handle the crisis for all concerned. Only God knows what we are capable of enduring.


How do we respond to crises? A crisis doesn’t create faith in God; it makes known the faith we already have.



The People of God - An Epilogue

by Josh McKibben

This past week, as I was delivering lessons on some of the defining characteristics of The People of God (1 Peter 2:9-10), my family and I got to experience some additional qualities of God’s people:

● We got to sing and pray with worshipful people (Psalm 79:13).

● We got to examine the Scriptures with studious people (Acts 17:11).

● We got to assemble for six straight days with devoted people (Acts 2:42).

● We got to be welcomed into the homes of hospitable people (1 Peter 4:9).

● We got to be beneficiaries of the gifts of generous people (1 Timothy 6:18).

● We got to be built up by a group of encouraging people (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

● We got to witness the efforts of servant-hearted people (1 Peter 4:10).

● And we got to see the love that God’s people have for one another (Romans 12:10).

Thank you, Knollwood, for a great week. It’s been a blessing to share in the good things that God accomplishes through His people. Perhaps we will meet again on this side of eternity, but if not, we look forward to reuniting in that “Sabbath-rest that awaits the people of God” (Hebrews 4:9).