The Encourager
“What Shall I do With Christ? by Mike Richardson”
Some Bible questions need to be asked over and over again as we make an honest inquiry into what it is we proclaim to believe. Some texts need to be revisited and observed to keep a proper perspective. I have been made to wonder how many sermons have been preached, articles written, and lessons taught on the question we want to examine from Matthew 27:22 when Pilate asked the question, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ?” There are many ways to approach this question and I pray that I am never ashamed to go back to preach, write, or study this most important question over and over again. Notice the first person pronoun I in the question. That is where the question must start, what shall I do with Jesus? There are very few things in life that are inescapable, but this question is one of them. What were some of the “options” Pilate faced at that time that we still face in our time?
(i)TRUTH OR TRADITION Pilate first sought to use a tradition to get around answering the question. It was a tradition to release a prisoner at Passover. In Matt.27:15-16 he asks them who would they rather have released; Barabbas or Jesus? The crowd demands the release of Barabbas. Then we observe where Pilate asked Jesus in Jno.19:38 “What is truth?” One senses the sarcasm in his statement and yet Pilate is standing in front of the embodiment of truth. Jno.14:6 We must be honest and follow the truth wherever it leads!
(ii)CHRIST OR THE CROWD During His earthly ministry Jesus was popular with the crowd. We read of the triumphal King’s entry into Jerusalem in Lk.19:28-40 the crowd cried out KING. Now less than a week later they crying our CRUCIFY! A crowd can quickly turn on you. Sunday He was given praise and honor (Matt.21:8) and Friday they call for His death (Matt.27:23-24). Today there is the same choice put before us. Will we follow the Christ or follow the crowd?
(iii)CONSCIENCE OR CAESAR The third choice Pilate had to face was either follow what he knew was right and proclaims Christ innocent of all charges, but then deal with Caesar. The
crowed had yelled, “We have no king, but Caesar!” so if Jesus was saying He was a King then there was the fear that he would have to answer to Caesar. Yet, his conscience knew Jesus had done no wrong. It was either do what was right or what was politically expedient. Today we have to decide whether we will do the right thing because it is the right thing or will we compromise our beliefs because it may cost us something.
(iv)SUBMISSION OR SELF Will we submit to God or follow self? Pilate followed the crowd because he was more concerned about himself than he was truth. Although he had opportunity to do right he did not submit to the will of God, but rather looked to save his own neck. What about us? Does Galatians 2:20 apply to us or are we looking out for self.
(v)THE CHOICE IS OURS! Pilate chose unwisely and incorrectly….what will you choose?