The Encourager

The Encourager

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Can You Sleep on a Bed too Short or too Narrow? by Mike Richardson

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Isaiah the prophet of the God spoke the following words in Isa.28:20 “For the bed is too short to stretch out on, And the covering so narrow that one cannot wrap himself in it.” Isaiah is speaking these words to the tribe of Ephraim one hundred hears before the Babylonian invasion. The tribe had begun to follow their own desires and were away from God and in sin. Thus, the statement is made “they were in a bed that was too short and too narrow.” In other words, they were living a life they were not meant for, they were engaged in a lifestyle of sin that separated them from God. This statement raises a thought for us…can you sleep in your bed? When you pillow your head at night can you sleep or has your bed spiritually become too short and too narrow? Notice a few beds that are too short and narrow.

(i)The Bed of Arrogance and Pride. Some try to sleep in a bed of self-sufficiency. Many folks have become puffed up with pride. However, such a bed should prove to be uncomfortable, because it is against the will of God for man (Prov.6:16-17). Peter states in I Pet.5:5,6 that we are too be clothed with humility. Jas.4:6 the Word reveals that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Throughout Scripture God opposes the proud. God desires His people to be humble. We need God and have nothing of which too be proud. How can you be comfortable in a bed not made for you? When man acts proud he is lying in a bed too short and too narrow.

(ii)The Bed of Worldly Pleasure. This bed looks so comfortable, but it is too short and narrow. People believe the pleasures of this world will bring lasting happiness and contentment, but this is a lie. Moses teaches us that such pleasures are passing (Heb.11:24-35). Paul instructs us that we need to focus our attention not on the world’s pleasure, but to set our affection on things above (Col.3:1-3). The bed of immorality and pleasure can look so good and tempting, but God said this is not made for you. Such is too short and narrow. Pleasures that are sinful bring a momentary pleasure, but it passes and we are left with the sin. What is lasting is those things that are high and holy.

(iii)The Bed of Denominationalism (Feel Good Religion). Any group of people that call themselves the people of God, must follow what God has said. Not to do so, is a bed that is too short and narrow. Notice the words of Jesus in Matt.15:8-9;12-13. Especially note vs.13 “Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.” Look at that statement, “rooted up!” Any religious group that is not following the pattern is a group that needs to see their spiritual bed is too short and too narrow. Paul penned in Eph.4:4 as guided by the Holy Spirit that

there is One Body! Any other body or bed is too short; one should not find comfort in it. We need to be opposed to any and every man made church. Such is contrary to God’s will.

(iv)The Bed of Procrastination and Delay. This spiritual bed should be extremely uncomfortable and yet many lay in it. It appears many folks have this type of bed. However, it is too short and too narrow. God calls for immediate obedience and not delay. Too delay is to reject the comfort God can provide. Christ calls for man to come to Him for rest (Mt.11:28-30) The call is urgent (2 Cor.6:2) No time to delay and wait (Heb.3:12:15). Don’t stay in the word with all its empty promises, come to the Lord.

Question- What bed are you sleeping in? Any bed not of God is a bed too short and too narrow for your own comfort. Why not obey God and do that which is in harmony with His will?

Next ladies Bible class is June 1st at Ruth Bell’s house.

Jesus the One and Only by Mike Richardson

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Notice the following words penned in John’s gospel chapter 12 and verse 6. “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” When you think of Jesus Christ there is one that should always come to your mind, He is the ONLY SAVIOR. Let us think about Jesus as the ONE and ONLY from Scripture.

(i)Jesus-The One and Only Born of a Virgin Miraculously. In Lk.1:35-37 the angel Gabriel announced to the virgin Mary that she would conceive and bear a Son even though she had never known a man within the sexual relationship. The Scripture says, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” Jesus is the One and Only born of a virgin in a miraculous manner.

(ii)Jesus-The One and Only to Live a Sinless Life (I Pet.2:21-23). He lived a sinless life, never one transgressing the law of God. He never on any occasion disobeyed the will of the Father. As He lived on this earth He put God first. He walked in the way of His Father. He never once committed a sin or violated a command of God. He is the One and Only who ever came to an age of accountability that when tempted did not yield sin.

(iii)Jesus the One and Only to Be Sacrificed. Because He was sinless, He was the ONLY ONE who could die an atoning death for sinners. Because we have sinned we deserve death, both physical and spiritual. However, because Jesus went to the cross as a sacrifice for our sins we can be saved from the second death by surrendering to His will. We can be redeemed from our sins by His blood (Eph.1:7). When we are baptized into Christ we come into contact with the cleansing blood of Christ (Rev.1:5).

(iv)Jesus is the One and Only Sitting At the Father’s Right Hand (Acts 2:33). In Matt.28:18 Jesus was given all authority! He is KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS (Rev.17:14). Since He is the King He has every right to tell those in His kingdom what He expects. He has the authority to do so. One can become a citizen of His kingdom by obeying His will. He is the One and Only over the church (Eph.1:22-23).

(v)Jesus is the One and Only Mediator (I Tim.2:5). He is One and Only Mediator between

man and God. He is Divine and knows how God “feels” but since He also took on flesh He can sympathize (Heb.4:15) with man and mediates for us. He is our High Priest and when I pray to God I go through a High Priest who understands and sympathizes with me.

(vi)Jesus is One and Only Judge (2 Cor.5:10). Notice that Paul says we must all stand before the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST. He is the One and Only Judge. May we prepare for the day we stand before Him. We will be judged by His words (Jno.12:42)

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