The Encourager

The Encourager

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Amazed - by Jeff Curtis

Saturday, November 30, 2024


By Jeff Curtis


We sometimes sing a hymn that says, “I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene.” Anyone who comes to know this God-man will truly be amazed. Jesus shared the Father’s glory before the world was, and it was through Him that the worlds were created. He was made flesh by the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit and a devout Jewish virgin. This took place in an otherwise insignificant land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, in humble circumstances. Jesus grew up as a worker in His earthly father’s carpentry shop. Then He engaged in a campaign to teach an ethic and wisdom which comparative religionists around the world concede to be superior to all other religions. He gave credence to His teaching by being the only teacher ever who consistently lived what He taught, this made and deep-rooted impression on those who knew Him best. They testified that He died and actually rose again. This testimony continues to grip the hearts of men. Its power draws people from around the globe into its sphere of faith and transform their lives.

Paul knew this Jesus of Nazareth. He had seen Him and heard His voice (Acts 9:4-6; 22:7-8; 1Corithians 9:1), not only in that glorious vision on the road to Damascus but also on subsequent occasions (Acts 18:9-10). To him, Jesus was more real and substantial than the ground he walked on or the walls of the prisons that interrupted his tireless tours along the Roman Empire. Even these walls weren’t able to prevent the progress of the good news that he proclaimed (2Timothy 2:9).

While Paul stood in amazement at Jesus Christ, he was also “amazed” at the Christians in Galatia (1:6). However, this late amazement was for negative reasons. (1) They had deserted the wonderful grace f Christ. (2) They had deserted quickly. (3) They had deserted for an empty gospel of Law-keeping. The apostle’s words warn Christians of all generations not to trade the invaluable treasure of Christ for anything this world has to offer.


Meditate on this:

Deuteronomy 5:29

Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!

Love Grows Out of Knowledge - by Jeff Curtis

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Love Grows out of Knowledge

By Jeff Curtis


Knowledge is the first essential for living a joyous Christian life, but having knowledge isn’t enough.

It’s a mistake to think that being a Christian consists only in getting a few facts straight. A believer absorbs the truth. He learns to love. No one knows all he should when he has memorized all the stops along Paul’s missionary journeys. Paul said, “We know in part” (1Corinthians 13:9). To live as a Christian requires the knowledge of facts, but it also consists in the application of knowledge to the heart.

It's not only the mind, but it’s the heart also that must belong to God. If any believer is to enjoy the “full reward” of Christian living, the heart has to change. Of all the emotions that stir human hearts, John brought love to the forefront. In doing that, he was in the mainstream of the biblical message, from Jesus to Paul. In his letters, John emphasized both love and truth. The apostle had no new commandment even when he insisted that, in Christ, the word “love” had been expanded and redefined. He called the new commandment “the one which we have had from the beginning” (2John v.5). The new commandment was the old one that believers had from the beginning. It was that should “love one another.” John wouldn’t leave it there. He went on to say, “This is love, that we walk according to His commandments” (2John v.6).

The “full reward” that Christians enjoy comes from cultivating the power of love that follows knowledge. No Christian should overlook the importance of cultivating love in their life. A believer can and must grow in love all the time. Love isn’t a thing that some people just mysteriously have. To know Christ is to want to love, it’s to learn how to love. Love is as broad and elusive as knowledge.

Finally. Believers don’t just sit down at some point and say, “There! I’ve done it. I have loved. I have obeyed God’s command. I have mastered knowledge and love. Let’s move on to the next commandment.” As believers “now in part,” the also love in part. Christians will never love perfectly, but by God’s grace, they may be able to say that they know more and love more deeply today than they did yesterday.


Meditate on this:

Proverbs 10:19

In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise.


Secrets of Growth:

A congregation will surely grow when…

  1. Each member has a deep concern for the lost.
  2. Each member enters the worship service with enthusiasm.
  3. Each member is interested in an aggressive Bible study.
  4. Each member is interested in improving their abilities.
  5. Each member tries to put more into the work than they are taking out.
  6. The preacher preaches the word in love.
  7. Each member is personally involved in the work.
  8. Each member lets love express itself to every member.
  9. Each member “in honor prefers one another.”



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