The Encourager

The Encourager

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Attitudes Toward Learning, by Jeff Curtis

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Attitudes Toward Learning

By Jeff Curtis


Jesus took His disciples and apostles to a private place so that He could have an opportunity to talk personally with them. After they arrived, they began to ask Him about the parable of the sower that He had just told them in Mark 4.


In His explanation of the parable, Jesus went back tot eh concepts of the heart. He was giving His followers a broad view of how people listen to the truth and how they personally interact with it. The parable of the sower, it has been said, was really a parable about soils (or hearts). It could be called “The Parable of Attitudes Toward the Word of God.” The many listeners that were gathered to hear Jesus had come to Him with different types attitudes toward learning the gospel; they had different reactions to the seed that was sown in their hearts.


It is evident from what Jesus continued to tell the disciples who were gathered around Him that not everyone would receive His message. Some would, but many, for unholy reasons, would not hear His Word.


  1. Jesus spoke first about those who were ignorant but desired to learn. He put His disciples into this group. He trusted these men and described them as those who had been given the mystery of the kingdom of God. This mystery was something that was concealed; it was the divine revelation that was given through Jesus’ teaching and ministry. Jesus later said those who wanted to get the message would be able to get it, and they would continue to gain more and more of it as they kept seeking the message He had brought. According to Matthew, He said, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted” (Matt. 13:11).
  2. By implication, Jesus also revealed some truths about those who were ignorant but were uninterested in learning. He shifted His focus to those who were “outside” (Mark 4:11 and were not listening to Him. These outsiders fell into two classes. The first group had uninterested hearts, though they were not specifically mentioned in this passage. They were in between the apostles and those who opposed Christ. They were in the crowd as people who were halfway or almost listening.


These people didn’t have eager hearts that drove them to listen carefully, understand the truth of God, and obey it. Though they were not dead, they were not dedicated; they were, for one reason or another, occupied with other passions.


  1. Jesus specifically spoke of those who were ignorant yet were refusing to learn. These people had passed from having disinterested hearts to having dead hearts. They are described here in a very pointed way, as moving rapidly toward bring beyond hope. These are the people Jesus actually referred to as being “outside.” He said, “Those who are outside get everything in parables” (Mark 4:11), but they would never get the truth about Jesus’ ministry.


Our thinking determines what kind of hearts we will eventually have. Our big business in this life is to cultivate the right kind of heart. When God made each of us, He gave us ownership of our hearts. As He did so, He empowered us to say, “No!” to Him. We were allowed to close the door on Jesus and prevent Him from entering into our hearts. This is the awesome power of free moral agency.


In Mark 4:10-12, Jesus focused on our hearts. He always did. He did this because He had to. If He gets our hearts, He gets all of us. Only when we consent to give ourselves completely to Him can He take us into His kingdom and into eternal life.


Whether or not we are granted eternal life depends on what kind of hearts we have. Jesus, though His ministry, teaching, death, and resurrection, always surfaces the kind of heart that person has. The question is this, “What will our heart do with the evidence that Jesus is the Son of God?” Will we allow our heart to be dead toward this great truth? Will we be disinterested in it? Will we be dedicated to it?

Are There Few Who Are Saved?, by Jeff Curtis

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Attitudes Toward Learning

By Jeff Curtis


Jesus took His disciples and apostles to a private place so that He could have an opportunity to talk personally with them. After they arrived, they began to ask Him about the parable of the sower that He had just told them in Mark 4.


In His explanation of the parable, Jesus went back tot eh concepts of the heart. He was giving His followers a broad view of how people listen to the truth and how they personally interact with it. The parable of the sower, it has been said, was really a parable about soils (or hearts). It could be called “The Parable of Attitudes Toward the Word of God.” The many listeners that were gathered to hear Jesus had come to Him with different types attitudes toward learning the gospel; they had different reactions to the seed that was sown in their hearts.


It is evident from what Jesus continued to tell the disciples who were gathered around Him that not everyone would receive His message. Some would, but many, for unholy reasons, would not hear His Word.


  1. Jesus spoke first about those who were ignorant but desired to learn. He put His disciples into this group. He trusted these men and described them as those who had been given the mystery of the kingdom of God. This mystery was something that was concealed; it was the divine revelation that was given through Jesus’ teaching and ministry. Jesus later said those who wanted to get the message would be able to get it, and they would continue to gain more and more of it as they kept seeking the message He had brought. According to Matthew, He said, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted” (Matt. 13:11).
  2. By implication, Jesus also revealed some truths about those who were ignorant but were uninterested in learning. He shifted His focus to those who were “outside” (Mark 4:11 and were not listening to Him. These outsiders fell into two classes. The first group had uninterested hearts, though they were not specifically mentioned in this passage. They were in between the apostles and those who opposed Christ. They were in the crowd as people who were halfway or almost listening.


These people didn’t have eager hearts that drove them to listen carefully, understand the truth of God, and obey it. Though they were not dead, they were not dedicated; they were, for one reason or another, occupied with other passions.


  1. Jesus specifically spoke of those who were ignorant yet were refusing to learn. These people had passed from having disinterested hearts to having dead hearts. They are described here in a very pointed way, as moving rapidly toward bring beyond hope. These are the people Jesus actually referred to as being “outside.” He said, “Those who are outside get everything in parables” (Mark 4:11), but they would never get the truth about Jesus’ ministry.


Our thinking determines what kind of hearts we will eventually have. Our big business in this life is to cultivate the right kind of heart. When God made each of us, He gave us ownership of our hearts. As He did so, He empowered us to say, “No!” to Him. We were allowed to close the door on Jesus and prevent Him from entering into our hearts. This is the awesome power of free moral agency.


In Mark 4:10-12, Jesus focused on our hearts. He always did. He did this because He had to. If He gets our hearts, He gets all of us. Only when we consent to give ourselves completely to Him can He take us into His kingdom and into eternal life.


Whether or not we are granted eternal life depends on what kind of hearts we have. Jesus, though His ministry, teaching, death, and resurrection, always surfaces the kind of heart that person has. The question is this, “What will our heart do with the evidence that Jesus is the Son of God?” Will we allow our heart to be dead toward this great truth? Will we be disinterested in it? Will we be dedicated to it?

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