The Encourager
THE SEDUCTION, SHAME, AND SORROW OF SIN written by Mike Richardson
Sunday, January 22, 2017I remember the shame of something I did as a child. We had gone to a yard sale and there was an old fishing bob laying in an old box. I reasoned in my mind they must be throwing it out and it was free. However, when we were driving down the road and I revealed my find to my parents they immediately turned the car around. They made me take the fishing bob back to the people and confess that I took it. I was embarrassed and begged them to just let me put it back, but they wanted to teach me a lesson that stealing is wrong. I never forgot the shame I felt as those people stared me down when I confessed my wrong doing. This goes back to the beginning of sin.
When Adam and Eve were lured into sin, they made a choice to rebel against God. God had forbidden them to eat of the tree of knowledge, yet they ignored God’s voice and heeded the voice of the wicked one and partook of the fruit. When one reads Genesis 3:8-19 one sees the seduction, shame and sorrow of sin. For the purpose of this article let us focus on what sin does.
(i)Sin Always Breaks Fellowship with God (Gen.3:8). First, you have Adam and Eve with open eyes trying to hide from God. Sin Always Breeds Fear of God (9-11). We observe the calling Father in vs.9 and in vs.10 you see the cowering sinners. This is the worst game of hide n seek ever played. Man, trying to hide from God. God had come to have fellowship with them, but they had broken the bond with God by violating His will. God asks them if they had eaten of the forbidden tree (11)? God knew where they were the whole time and what they had done, but He made them come clean on their sin. Their sin broke fellowship with God.
(ii)The Sinners Try to Shift the Blame (12-13). Adam sought to blame Eve, Eve sought to blame the serpent who didn’t have a leg to stand on! Notice no one wanted to take responsibility for their sin. They all try to evade, excuse, and explain away their sin. They had been seduced by the lie of the devil, they had felt the sting of shame for their sin, and now they must deal with the sorrow sin brings forth. Instead of confessing their sin they sought to shift the blame.
(iii)Sin Changes Security into Sorrow (16-19). Because of their sin God multiplied their sorrows (16). Woman and man now live in a cursed world because they chose to defy God’s will and do their own. They believed a lie and lost the Garden. They wanted to be God instead of having a relationship with God.
vgarden and were not ashamed, until they ate of the forbidden fruit. Disobedience to the commandment of God was the cause (17). First, Adam and Eve listened to the wrong counsel (17). Secondly, they abandoned the counsel of God (17). Third, they lost paradise because of their wickedness (17). Because of their sin there is disorder of the creation in a curse (18). Thorns and thistles are silent witnesses to man’s
disobedience (18). Adam now sees what sin has brought and God reminds him of his past formation (19), his present frailty (19) and is promised fate (19).
(v)Lessons For Us:
(1) Sin Still Breaks Fellowship with God (Eph.5:1; Rom.3:23).
(2) Sin Brings a Fear of God (Heb.10:31).
(3) Sin Seeks to Shift the Blame!
(4) Sin Brings Shame and Sorrow!
THINK ON THESE by Mike Richardson
Sunday, January 15, 2017Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8
When the Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, he wrote the beautiful statement quoted above. Paul was instructing the Philippians to think on things that are pure, true, holy, and just. The word says in Proverbs 27:3 “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.” So, without any doubt our thoughts are extremely important. Paul said, “Think on these things for without thought and investigation they never could do us any good.” In this article, it is my desire for us to stop and think about three different things are of the utmost importance. I want us to focus our attention and think about some things that are true, and which have to do with our salvation.
(i)Think about God’s Marvelous Bible. The Bible is the word of God! That very statement should make us shout AMEN! for that one statement teaches us all we know about life here and the life to come. Nothing is more clearly established then the fact the Bible is the word of God. God has made promises in this Book to those who obey and the Bible tells us all we need to know to get in a right relationship with God. The Bible is the only Book that tells us what God expects of us, how to be saved from sin. It is the only book that tells us why it was written, so that we might believe (Jno.20:31). It is the only Book that tell us about heaven and hell and life beyond the grave. Some wonder why they waver in faith, is it because we don’t spend enough time studying, reading, and thinking about the Bible. Think of all the people included in the Bible that took fifteen hundred years to write. Amos a vine dresser, Solomon a king, David a shepherd, Moses a statesman, Peter a fisherman, Paul a scholar all guided by the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible. Yet, it fits together, consider the Bible and be amazed! (a)No Book ever had so much opposition as the Bible. Every individual who never obeys it opposes it. Men have tried to destroy it, discredit it, and deny it. Evil men hate it and modern day philosophy, science, and such belittle it. Why with all this opposition has this Book stood the test of time? Because it is the word of God! Men have died defending it, they have been burned at the stake, devoured by lions, had hot lead poured down their throats because they believed the Bible. Do you believe is the word of God and will you follow it even if it cost you your life?
(ii)Think About the Salvation of Your Soul. Many think about everything under the sun, but their soul. Consider for a moment what Jesus did to save your soul. Consider the torturous death He died on the cross. How can you not give your life to the One who gave His life on the cross for you? There is a great question Jesus asked in Mk.8:36 “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Think of hell where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched. Then stop and consider heaven where the roses never fade, and no tears ever fall. How much have you thought about your soul? This week have you thought more about work than you have your soul? Then you need to stop and rethink your priorities. Think about your soul. Be pardoned by the blood of Christ in obedience to His word (MK.16:16).
(iii)Think About the Judgment Day (I Thess.4:13-18). There will be a judgment day. The Hebrew writer states, “It is appointed unto man to diem then the judgment.” Have you ever meditated and thought about the judgment day? What will that day be like? When the day of judgment comes where will you be? Will you be on the right hand of God among the redeemed or on the left hand among the lost (Mt.25)? Have you thought about it? Think on these things.