The Encourager

The Encourager

“Which Could Be Said of You? by Mike Richardson”

It is interesting to notice how the Bible describes different people in Scripture.  There is a great contrast that I would like to draw to your attention between two kings of Judah.  The first king we notice is identified as Hezekiah and the second king we will observe is named Manasseh.  Two men who reigned as kings, but have different descriptions about the type of men they truly were.  

Notice in 2 Kings 18:3 the description of Hezekiah “And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father David had done.”  

Now observe the description of Manasseh in 2 Kings 21:2 “And he did evil in the sight of the Lord, according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel.”

Before us we have two men who had risen to power to reign as king over Israel. They were placed in a position of great authority and as the leader of the nation of Judah they had a great responsibility put upon them. They needed to remember that they needed t do the will of God in whatever capacity they found themselves in.

We observe that Hezekiah did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He sought to do the will of God. He remembered the covenant God made with His people. He was diligent to follow the will of God “according to all that his father David had done.” Hezekiah was not perfect, he struggled with sin as we read in 2 Kings. However, his heart was to please God and when he fell short and sinned he would get up, repent and return to God.

However, when we look at Manasseh he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord. He did not act according to his father David, but according to the sins and abominations of the pagan nations that God had cast out of Israel. He did not seek the will of God, but rather sought his own lusts and selfish ways.

There are several lessons we can observe this contrast.

(i)Some don’t care about God’s will and do not seek to obey Him.          

This can be a temptation to people in a position of authority.  People who are accustomed to people “answering” to them can be tempted to forget they answer to God.  One can forget they are under the authority of God and must submit to His will. This can be a temptation to people who are spiritual leaders. One must be on guard lest they forget they are under the authority of Christ (Matt.28:18).  This is also a dangerous temptation to every man and woman.  Look at the world today and see how many seek to do their own will with no regard to God’s Word.  Now God allows man to ignore His will and live in rebellion and do that which is evil in His sight. However, God had declared there will be a day of reckoning and when the consequences are handed down no one can blame God.  God has gone to great lengths to save us from our sins. He has revealed His will and we can understand it and submit to it or we can reject it, but we will answer for it (Mat.7:21). Who are you more like in this regard Hezekiah or Manasseh?

(ii)God’s will can and should be done.

The second thing we want to observe is that the will of God can and should be done.  God does not give us impossible guidelines, but His will is for our good.   I John 5:3 “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.”   That does not mean it is always easy to do the right thing.  Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane prayed, “O My Father, if it possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” (Matt.26:39) Jesus prayed while facing the cross, yet through the cross He provided salvation for us. Doing the will of God means that I deny myself and my own will if it conflicts with God’s perfect will (Matt.16:24). You can do God’s will the question is will you? Which can be said of you that you “do that which is right in the eyes of God” or “do that which is evil in the eyes of God?”  Manasseh finally came to his senses and repented after living in rebellion so many years.  2 Chronicles 33:12-13. It took Manasseh hitting bottom before he realized his need for God.  What would it take to bring you to realize you need to submit to the will of God? (Jas.4:7)

(iii)Results of doing God’s will

The problem today with many is not that they don’t know enough to do God’s will, it is they don’t care enough to live it. Many refuse to live up to what they know. However, if we lived as close to God’s will as we could what would be the results? (a)God would accept us. (b)God would be glorified. (c)It would be for our good. (d)It would be a good example to others.

Not doing the will of God results in following the wicked one (2 Cor.4:4).  Which could be said of you, that you are doing right in the eyes of God or evil in His sight?

If you would be willing to given an invitation on the first Sunday night of the month (Singing night) there will be a sign-up sheet on the back bulletin board. We would like to have a list prepared like the Wednesday evening invitations. This will enable Mike to go to preach at other places on those evenings.  We appreciate all the men who participate and are willing to take an active part in the services.